Trauma the Teacher: Five of the Most Important Things I’ve Learned Through Trauma
My journey has caused me to reflect deeply. After losing my husband, and myself to a subsequent battle with PTSD, I needed to understand how this could have happened. How could my experience and knowledge as a mental health professional have failed me?
Prior to dealing with complex stress, Ben and I were both physically and mentally healthy. We were both raised by loving families and shared in solid friendships. We had a foundation that should never have failed us, so what happened? Why is he no longer here?
Trauma has been my greatest teacher and I am here to share my reflections. They come with a deeply personal and professional lens, guided by years of speaking and listening to experts in the field of psychiatry, neuroscience, psychology and trauma therapy. My hope that they will help you and your loved ones and saves many lives along the way.
Get professional mental health support early. My husband endured 5 months of complex high stress and insomnia before allowing me to reach out to family and professional support.
I’ve learned that we have to put pride aside. We all have a mind and we all have times when it isn’t functioning at its best. Investing in our healing early is one of the best investments we can ever make.
It doesn’t ever have to be too late. With the incredible healing power of the brain, the amount of whole-health researched practices and professional support available, recovery and optimal health is achievable for everyone no matter what you’re going through!
Movement and exercise heal the brain by increasing oxygen and nutrient rich blood flow. According to Harvard Health and a multitude of other resources exercise also induces the release of beneficial proteins in the brain. These nourishing proteins keep brain cells (also known as neurons) healthy, and promote the growth of new neurons. Neurons are the working building blocks of the brain.
We need to get it out. Locking our suffering away will only cause damage to the brain and to our lives - it’s only a matter of time before we will see the effects. Having a professional to support you in making sense of your journey while keeping your mind healthy throughout the process, will enable you to move forward.
I incorporate movement and fresh air into my practice to optimize recovery.
If you gravitate to the outdoors, finding a practitioner who can meet you there can make your healing journey that much easier. My husband was an outdoor adventurer. Five months after suffering from extreme stress and insomnia, he was ready to push pride aside and get professional mental health support.
Ben wanted a professional who could help him to reframe his negative thoughts brought on by complex stress and to help to calm his busy-mind at night when he needed to sleep, but he also craved an escape. He needed to be outdoors - in a place that gave him space to breathe.
He said that he felt at his best when he was able to get outside and move. Even just simply walking outside helped him, but now with his brain health impacted, he needed professional support alongside him so that he could also do the work to change his mindset. As much as I searched, I wasn’t able to find a professional who offered both means of support, which is why IMPACT Occupational Therapy came to life.