Why Today Matters

2022 Provincial Soccer Cup Final! We made it!


Because 4 years ago, I didn’t know if I would get another chance. I lost my husband, my soulmate. ⁣⁣

Because of the immense love and support of my soccer team, I was welcomed back to the pitch. ⁣⁣

Because of the kindness and ⁣generosity of Vice President Neall Rowlings and The Cowichan Valley Soccer Association (Lower Island Women's Soccer Association), the financial burden, to come back to play when my life was so uncertain, was removed.⁣

Coming back while my husband was still out there - missing - after 4 months, was extremely hard; but, I needed to play. I needed to run. I needed my team. It fuelled me and allowed me to stand up again - to persevere in the search and to stand-strong for my children. ⁣⁣

⁣Days before my husband was found, a woman from the opposing team we were playing, went up for a header and while she missed the ball, she contacted my face perfectly. ⁣⁣

My nose was broken. ⁣⁣

October 17, 2018 in emerg, a CT scan revealed that I had 4 fractures. That same night, RCMP would arrive at my door to tell me that my husband Ben Kilmer, was never coming home. ⁣⁣

My world shattered. ⁣⁣

My body and mind crumbled simultaneously. I could no longer exercise. I could barely bring myself to get out of bed, albeit I did, for my children. A nagging meniscal tear became debilitating. I could barely walk. Eight months later, the only resolve was surgery. ⁣⁣

In 2019, I watched my soccer team win the Silver in Provincials (to the very team we face today in the 2022 FINAL!). I was not able to stand up there with them. I was not able to claim the silver win, nor show the medal, but my God was I proud of them and was honoured to cheer them on! ⁣⁣

Two hospitalizations later, not to mention the hit of COVID-19 and…⁣⁣


I am standing, ready to run! ⁣⁣

What a gift. What a blessing. I am honoured to play alongside these extraordinary women @ 12:45PM in the BC Soccer Provincial Cup Final! ⁣

While I don’t yet know the outcome of our game, I do know that I got my 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th chance! ⁣⁣



No one knows what is on the other side of heartache. ⁣

No one knows what is on the other side of all of life’s trials, but I do know this:⁣

We will ALL go through them and there is a light at the end of the tunnel. ⁣

There is an outstanding view at the top of that mountain! ⁣

The grind to get there IS TOUGH. ⁣

It WILL MAKE YOU WANT TO TURN BACK. Sometimes, it will seem IMPOSSIBLE; BUT, I can tell you that it is worth it!

Every. Single. Step is worth it!⁣

If you can’t be there today, I know you are with me in spirit, and I thank you.

Thank you for being a part of my journey.

Thank you for cheering me on!

It is because of you that I am not only able to stand again, but am able to RUN! ⁣

Cowichan Cougars Soccer, LETS DO THIS!

Tonya Kilmer

Tonya is a registered occupational therapist and veteran Medic of the Canadian Armed Forces. She has a passion for treating trauma, including OSI, PTSD, concussion, brain injury and chronic pain and has practiced in this area for over 12 years.

Driven by the research highlighting that movement is medicine, Tonya treats by bringing many of her therapy sessions to the great outdoors, combing therapy with fresh air and exercise that fits with where you’re at. This might include walking, hiking or paddle boarding. Her goal along the way is to help you re-engage in activities that bring purpose and meaning to your life.


Awe-Inspired by the Fully Casted Woman