Awe-Inspired by the Fully Casted Woman

I was awe-inspired today! Riding my bike, I saw this woman walking alongside of the road. She had casts on both arms, a cast and walking boot on her lower limb and a large bandage on her knee.

On my return home I was compelled to stop and acknowledge her. “I just want you to know how amazing I think you are, getting outside walking!” She thanked me and said, “I have to, I would go crazy sitting inside all day feeling sorry for myself. I’ve been in the Hospital for over a month!”

I shared that it wasn’t so long ago that I was in her shoes; broken mind, shattered heart, broken nose, broken knee. I shared that some days it felt impossible to get out of the house, but I knew that I had to for my health, for my kids and just to get better.

I said, “I have had many setbacks over the last 6 years and was Hospitalized myself, but here I am today training for the Gran Fondo bike race in September. I really didn’t know if I would ever get myself back.” She shared that she too is a rider and felt inspired to get back on her bike as well.

I think often times we minimize the gravity of what we’ve gone through and how far we’ve come, looking back. Today, I hope that you can take a moment to acknowledge how far you’ve come. How many extremely hard times you’ve lived through in life and where you are today.

And for those who are in the thick of it, I hope you know that you’re not alone. May this story inspire you to put your health first, to get outside if you can, to move if you can and to reach out for support if you need.

With gratitude for our connection and for all that you have given me to move forward,


Tonya Kilmer

Tonya is a registered occupational therapist and veteran Medic of the Canadian Armed Forces. She has a passion for treating trauma, including OSI, PTSD, concussion, brain injury and chronic pain and has practiced in this area for over 12 years.

Driven by the research highlighting that movement is medicine, Tonya treats by bringing many of her therapy sessions to the great outdoors, combing therapy with fresh air and exercise that fits with where you’re at. This might include walking, hiking or paddle boarding. Her goal along the way is to help you re-engage in activities that bring purpose and meaning to your life.

Movement and Fresh Air, the Best Medicine


Why Today Matters